How closely do you read BRITISH HERITAGE? Win six free issues by correctly answering these four questions, based on the articles in this issue.
1. Drythelm is the name of:
a. a WWII destroyer.
b. a monk in Bede’s Ecclesiastical History.
c. the Queen’s stationer.
d. an 18th-century astrologer.
2. 23rd April is observed in England as:
a. the feast day of St. George.
b. the day of the Order of the Bath installation service.
c. the day John Partridge died.
d. Thomas Carlyle’s birthday.
3. The Black Lion Hotel was the scene of:
a. Dylan Thomas’ fatal binge.
b. an apocryphal tale about John Partridge.
c. a dispute involving Dylan Thomas.
d. an encounter in the film Spitfire.
4. Queen Victoria helped to:
a. burn one of Thomas Carlisle’s manuscripts.
b. popularize Honiton lace.
c. establish the Order of the Bath.
d. design the Spitfire fighter plane.
Answer these bonus questions for another chance to win a free subscription or renewal.
5. Which pages of BritishHeritage.com do you refer to the most? (circle 3 maximum)
(A) Travel (B) British History (c) Classifieds (D) Links (E) BH Gift Shop (F) Back Issues (G) Events (H) BH Tours (I) none/haven’t seen it
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HOW TO ENTER: Photocopy this page or cut out this box and circle the letters corresponding to your answers, or write the question numbers and the letters of your answers on a separate piece of paper along with your name, address, and daytime phone number. Post your entry to: November Insider, British Heritage, 6405 Flank Drive, Harrisburg, PA 17112. The answers will appear in the January 2004 issue, along with the names of the winners.
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