British Heritage contributing editor Diane Clehane has written the perfect book to celebrate the memory of Diana--gone, unbelievably, for two decades now. On sale now, this "alternative history novel" provides a well-researched fantasy of what might have happened had the princess of Wales survived that fatal car crash on August 31, 1997.

"We all know what happened. What we don't know is what could have happened. Diana was on the brink of a new chapter in her life. It was both challenging and fun to imagine how she would have impacted the lives of the British royal family and made an even bigger mark on the world," Clehane tells BHT.

Check out the video interview with the author below and read the review in The New York Times. Then, make sure to order your copy at either Amazon, iBooks, B&N or Kobo and pre-order the audiobook, on sale September 5, from Audible.

Author Diane Clehane on Imagining Diana from Metabook® on Vimeo.

photo by Clair Buffie, courtesy of Metabook