Tips and tidbits for travel and for fun
The Star Inn, Alfriston
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ORIGINALLY BUILT IN THE 1260s, and in bygone years a gathering place of smugglers, The Star Inn is replete with low, oak-beamed ceilings, open fireplaces and all the old world charmwe love to anticipate. The young staff is attentive and friendly, the food good and the beer well-kept. Just a few miles from the coast and Eastbourne, The Star is a first-class stay in a historic village tucked in a beautiful Sussex river valley.
The Star Inn
High Street, Alfriston
East Sussex BN26 5TA
Sites for the Savvy
- www.london2012.com
- www.nationalrail.co.uk
- www.londontheatre.co.uk
- www.historynet.com
- www.anglotopia.net
- www.visitshrewsbury.com
Follow all the Olympic news and action
All you need to plan train travel
There’s an exciting lineup in the West End
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Funky website “for people who love Britain”
A great introduction to the heart of Shropshire
Take the Sun While You Can
After mild and dry winter months, the weather turned on Britain. Most of April and May were a washout—rain, flooding and cold. It didn’t take much of a break in the April showers, however, to draw these folks outdoors in Tunbridge Wells. Ever since the late 18th century, when Beau Nash moved from Bath, the famous Pantiles of Tunbridge Wells has been the place to see and be seen, for a coffee or lunch or just a stroll in the sunshine.
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The British Heritage
LAST ISSUE WE QUERIED: “The Celtic church received its death knell here, and this is where the vampire craze began. Good fish & chips, too.”
It was at the Synod of Whitby in 664 that the Northumbrian church, and ultimately the entire church in the Ionan or Celtic tradition, submitted to accept such things as the dating of Easter and the monastic tonsure under the authority of Rome. Many centuries later, Bram Stoker choose Whitby as the English haunt of Dracula.
Now, let’s puzzle on this: Many battles end with nightfall; this one ended with the light. The battle features in one of England’s most famous fictional romances. James Scott was executed nine days later. What could this battle be?
Yes, do play the Puzzler with aplomb. Join a cast of many and play the Puzzler. Email your answer to:
[email protected].
All entries are acknowledged.
Travel Light
AMONG THE THINGS YOU CAN DO to assure a great travel adventure in Britain is to travel as lightly as possible. International travel is tiring. Full stop. The last thing you want to be doing is hauling around extra poundage—into and out of airports, trains, car boots, hotel rooms and such. Traditional advice is to lay out everything on your bed that you intend to pack—and then cut it in half. More practically, don’t just pack items that you think you might use or want. Plan clothes that mix, match and, above all, layer. Pack trial-sized toiletries, not a collection of large bottles. Travel Wash, available at any Boots or Superdrug, makes it easy to wash out underwear and socks in the hotel room. Finally, remember, your travels are not a fashion show; yes, you can wear outfits more than once. No one will care, or notice.
Keeping in Touch
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We are always delighted to hear from British Heritage readers—and to occasionally pass along the enthusiasms and travel tips you share. Our posting address is 19300 Promenade Drive, Leesburg, VA 20176. Most folk these days, however, conveniently email us at [email protected].
I DID HAVE TEA with Sandra Lawrence following a lovely walk around some of the less-visited spaces in Greenwich, including a secret and quiet park with a fantastic view. It was on one of the two days during my visit when the sun came out! I appreciate your ideas and inspirations!
Susan Brooks
Winston-Salem, N.C.
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Coming Up in British Heritage:
- Lord Montague’s Motor Musem
- Digging It at Vindolanda
- Ye Old House at Wilton
- Just Where to Live in History
- On the Darling Buds of May Trail
- Riding the Falkirk Wheel