We recently kicked off our first British Heritage reader submitted photo competition and the response was large and swift. After much consideration, our judges awarded our first-ever prize to longtime subscriber Mike Brown. He shot this photo of the 350-year-old George Heriot's School in Edinburgh:
"I took the picture of Heriot School while on a "City of the Dead" tour in Edinburgh, during the Festival Fringe in 2014. Every even-numbered year since 1996, I've led groups of Boy Scouts from central New York state to Scotland for the Blair Atholl International Scout Patrol Jamborette, which is held on the grounds of Blair Castle, Perthshire," wrote Brown.
"The picture shows the view from Grayfriars Kirkyard through a gate in the Flodden Wall. It's an HDR image, processed from three pictures, because of the difference in lighting from the brightly lit school to the dark wall in evening light."
Congrats to Mike! Look for his and other reader submitted photos to grace the pages of British Heritage in the coming months. Click the pic below to enlarge.