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LAST ISSUE WE INVITED Puzzler players to ponder: “As a young man, I was a flamboyant man-about-town in London and wrote popular novels; as an old man with a reputation as an orator, I was the Queen’s favorite politician and the toast of Europe.”
Benjamin Disraeli cut a dashing figure as a young London literary lion, but he harbored higher aspirations. He entered Parliament in 1837 and quickly became renowned for his oratory. Disraeli served the Conservative party in Government from the 1850s until his death in 1880, and led the party for more than 20 years. Twice Prime Minister, Disraeli was the only prime minister Queen Victoria allowed to sit in her presence.
Now, here’s something puzzling: For as old as I appear to visitors, I am not that old as a county town. The settlement grew to prominence by the river as folks abandoned what had been the nearby Roman city of Viroconium. My abbey was important in its day; its memory kept alive by a popular fiction series. Where am I?
Join the cast of regular Puzzler players, and email your answer to [email protected]. All entries are acknowledged.
Keeping in Touch
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WE ARE ALWAYS DELIGHTED to hear from British Heritage readers–and occasionally to pass along the enthusiasms and travel tips you share. We would love to hear if you’ve used British Heritage in planning your own adventures in Britain. We can always be reached at [email protected].
Coming up in British Heritage
- Coin of the Realm
- Chiswick: England without Leaving London
- English Topiary: Clever Clippers
- How to Survive The Proms
- Suffolk’s Weird and Wonderful Coast
- Wildfowl Galore at Slimbridge
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Among My Souvenirs
Forget the plastic bobbie helmet and the tea towel; we all keep our eyes out to take home the truly memorable souvenir. Sometimes we succeed, and add to our trophies of British travel something off-beat that warms the cockles of our heart. Want to share your prize? Email us a high resolution picture with a brief description and note on its acquisition to [email protected]. In coming issues, we will share some gems. Let’s see what British Heritage readers have among their souvenirs.
Overheard in the Common Room
“Those who don’t study history are doomed to repeat it. Yet those of us who do study history are doomed to stand by while everybody else repeats it.”Dame Agatha determined one day that Sir Basil’s girth was expanding in unhealthy fashion. She proposed to put the poor gent on a diet regimen. Seeing one of life’s great pleasures vanishing before his eyes, Sir Basil resisted. A compromise was reached when Dame Agatha agreed Sir Basil could be on two diets if he wasn’t getting enough to eat on one. They toasted the arrangement with a glass of port.
…and the morning paper headline: Wet winter leads to surge in exploding manhole covers.
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Sites for the Savvy
- www.visitlondon.com If you’re going to Town
- www.tfl.gov.uk/modes/london-overground Official London Overground site
- www.nationaltrust.org.uk Browse and plan visits with the National Trust
- www.dailymail.co.uk The best of the British tabloid websites
- www.royal.gov.uk Check out Prince George’s first birthday
- www.parliament.uk Follow British politics from Westminster Palace
- www.historynet.com Our archive of British Heritage articles
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Tidbits from the Post
A note to tell you how much I enjoyed the article about Oxford. Having spent a year there as a student, the article brought back lots of happy memories: from gatherings at the Bird & Baby next door, to watching them film an early Morris story, to the town itself (though far changed with its out-of-town car parks, new railway station and far more tourists). Thankfully, a few places like the Mitre, Trout, parts of St. Johns, and St. Michaels Northgate retain their sameness.
Jerry Hall State College, Pa.
In Sandra’s discussion of fine chocolate, there was no reference to Maynard chocolate. Gordon Maynard was the first chocolate maker to introduce liqueur in his boxed chocolate. My late aunt was nanny for the Maynard children. The chocolates were delicious I recall.
Sheila Woodard Atlanta, Ga.
I have been to Great Britain 12 times and have been from Scotland to Portsmouth. Each time I went to England, I would use your great British Heritage to research and determine just what I wanted to see on my trips.
Don Paulussen Wayne, N.J.