Queen Elizabeth II.Getty
Think you know all the rules of royal life? Think again, here are some royal rules that are no longer enforced the way they once were.
Editor's note: Queen Elizabeth II, Britain's longest-serving monarch passed away on Sept 8, 2022, aged 96. Now, BHT takes a look back at some of the most popular stories which arose during her 70-year reign.
We know that life as a royal comes with a huge list of "does" and "do nots", but did you know that the protocols have become a little more relaxed?
Here are two royal rules that during her reign on the throne, Queen Elizabeth II allowed to be no longer enforced.
Royal couples are forbidden from showing affection
Anybody who's seen Harry and Meghan hold hands, kiss or cuddle know that this is no longer true. While the Queen herself never indulged in a PDA, sources say that as long as it wasn't inappropriate, she has no problem with her grandchildren being a little more demonstrative with their partners. William and Kate aren't quite as touchy-feely as Meghan and Harry, but that could come down to personal choice or give an indication that they'll be traditional monarchs.
Royals don't eat seafood
This is down to practicalities more than a rule, and traditionally members of the royal family avoid seafood while at formal dinners as it carries a higher chance of food poisoning. However, while eating out in private or when dining at home sources say that some members of the family enjoy seafood and indulge whenever they can. Prince Andrew, we're looking at you!
Royals must travel with one black outfit
Nobody is really sure if this still happens, but it's thought to be a hangover from when King George IV died while Queen Elizabeth was on a royal tour and had no proper clothes in which to travel home in. Sources believe that senior family members probably adhere to the rule, but that those not directly in line to the throne probably don't need to worry.
* Originally published in July 2019.