Tips and tidbits for travel and for fun
A Room of One’s Own
The Fleece, Cirencester
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With its old beams, log fires and lots of nooks and crannies, the Fleece Hotel has been providing hospitality on the Market Place in Cirencester for more than 300 years. Perfectly located for exploring “The Capital of the Cotswolds” and the rolling landscapes of the surrounding countryside, the Fleece is staffed with friendly, caring people, serves up a great English breakfast and offers all the amenities you would expect from a three-star hotel. Pick up a pint or a cup of tea in the lounge bar and watch the people go by through the mullioned windows. This is one of those old inns that you just hate to leave.
Sites for the Savvy
Where to go and how to get there by train -
Pay a call on the monarchy’s official website -
Get tickets to what’s playing in the West End -
Check out the NT’s gorgeous landscape gardens -
Everything you need to know about Britain’s weather -
100,000 photos, superbly indexed
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The Fleece Hotel
Market Place
Cirencester, Gloucestershire GL7 2NZ
Tel: 01285 658507
The British Heritage
Last issue we queried: “I sit on the fens crowned by the Stump. In the 13th century, I rivaled London as a port. When my people and my name crossed the sea, it contributed to my economic decline. Where am I?”
The estuary of the River Witham has long since silted up, and the Lincolnshire market town of Boston ceased to be a port. Few English towns have its close connections to America, however. St. Botolph’s Church, the “Boston Stump,” was the parish church of John Cotton, whose Puritan preaching inspired the exodus led by John Winthrop to settle the “city on the hill” that became Boston, Massachusetts.
Now, this is puzzling. The second son of a duke, I raised a regiment to fight the Jacobites, but made my name as a spectacular cavalry general later on the Continent. I am remembered all across the country with pubs and inns bearing my name. Who am I?
Yes, by all means, play the Puzzler and email your answer to [email protected]. All entries are acknowledged, of course.
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From the British Heritage Post
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This is my 44th year of teaching English at Bonner Springs H.S., and we’re in the middle of the description of the pilgrims in The Canterbury Tales, so I enjoyed the blurb about Canterbury on page 48. Then, your Puzzler took me back to 1963, Wilson College, Chambersburg, Pa., to the English history course where Prof. Nutting peered over her spectacles and said pointedly, something like this: “William Rufus’ death changed the course of history, and it was likely not an accident.” Thanks for a wonderful magazine which takes me to England often!
Chris Wood
Edwardsville, Kansas
The apartments Jennie Dorn suggested, Nell Gwynn, were very nice, close to Sloan Square, comfortable, clean, quiet, well appointed. I looked at a couple of other apartments, but after NG, the others seemed shabby!
Susan Brooks
Winston-Salem, N.C.
I am a WW11 WAAF veteran of the RAF. In February 1943, I was commissioned and posted to Bletchley Park, working in the brick Hut 3, Luftwaffe und Wehrmacht. In Hut 3, four WAAF officers worked in shifts around the clock, and, in that Top Secret holy of holys, over our door was a huge sign–TOP SECRET. KEEP OUT. We were at the end of the chain of events that started in Hut 6 and elsewhere, and we translated messages that were passed directly to Churchill and six other important war figures.
Naturally, the article on Bletchley Park in this month’s issue, was of great interest to me. Many WRENS worked in the Park and were billeted in Woburn Abbey, on the Duke of Bedford’s estate. Everyone signed the Official Secrets Act document before being allowed beyond the pale, and for 29 years nobody broke the code of silence. Although I had worked there for 2 1/2 years, it was so secret, that I never knew what went on before I arrived.
Barbara Saks
Colorado Springs, CO
Coming Up in British Heritage
- The Uprising of English Wines
- Aberdeenshire: Where Life is Good
- Two Coasts of the Isle of Thanet
- The Queen’s Golden Age
- Britain’s Quirky World Championships
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Kiss Me Kate Beer
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