Queen ElizabethGetty: Images
Queen Elizabeth is checking in with world leaders around the world amidst the Covid-19 crisis
It's all hands on deck when it comes to efforts to curb the spread of the coronavirus in the UK. NHS staff are working tirelessly around the clock to combat the virus, and essential workers are being stretched to their limits to ensure that everything keeps functioning as normal.
It feels like the whole world at this point is in a state of lockdown. Restaurants and bars have been closed for weeks, public transport has been severly restricted, and all public gatherings have been put on hold for the time being.
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We've been following the Royal Family closely through the crisis. They have been doing stellar work in reaching out to charities and organizations, and offering their support in this time of need.
We've already seen both Prince William and Prince Harry set up Zoom calls with NHS workers and schoolchildren to boost spirits throughout the crisis, now, it seems that Queen Elizabeth is doing the same with world leaders.
No two countries have had the same response or outcome from the Covid-19 crisis. While Europe has been badly hit by the outbreak, as well as the USA, it's fair to say that New Zealand is an example of a nation that has by and large successfully managed to halt the spread of conronavirus.
New Zealand, a small island with a population of five million people, have not been hit hard by Covid-19. Jacinda Ardern, the Prime Minister of the Commonwealth country, has received widespread praise for her handling of the pandemic. New Zealand closed their borders quickly and locked down the country, which has proven very effective.
On Monday, Ardern received a call from none other than Her Majesty herself, who wanted to check on how Ardern and New Zealand are coping through the virus.
Ardern had this to say 'A few days ago we got a wee note to say that the Queen wanted to catch up and see how everyone in New Zealand was getting on in the midst of COVID-19. It was such a treat to speak with Her Majesty tonight. Her affection for New Zealand, her interest in what's happening here and her memory of places and events that are special to us never ceases to amaze me.'
Clearly, Queen Elizabeth has a huge amount of affection for New Zealand. Her Majesty has visited the country several times and speaks incredibly highly of it.
Ardern shared her story on her Instagram account, take a look below!
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